Thursday, April 23, 2009


3- minute circuits, with 30 second increments of two exercises, followed by a 30-second break.

Example circuit:

1. Squats for 30, lunges for 30, squats for 30, lunges for 30, squats for 30, lunges for 30 -- take a 30 second break


2. Pushups / swimmers (PU/Swmr)
3. Suitcase crunches / flutter kicks (SCcr/Fltrkx)
4. Mountain climbers / burpies (MtnC/ BP)
5. Gator pushups / pillars (elbow) (GtPU /PLR)
6. Reverse lunge with forward kick / side squat with side kick (RLng+fkx / SSq+Skx)
7. Triceps pushup / tricep dips (TrPU/TrDp)
8. Jumping jacks / 180 turns (JJ/180)
9. Side plank / bicycles (SPlnk /bicy)
10. Skiers / skaters (ski/sk8)

Some descriptions:

  • Swimmers (Swmr) - lie on stomach, arms above head; lift arms and legs off the ground, move arms out to the side and down toward hips/back, squeeze shoulder blades together, keep head up (like a modified breast stroke), return to starting position
  • Suitcase crunches (SCcr) - lie on back, hands behind head, legs lifted above the ground; contract abs, lift hips, shoulders and head at the same time (like closing a suitcase) DEMO
  • Flutter kicks (Fltrkx) - lie on back, hands under hips for support; raise shoulders off the ground, lift legs and flutter kick legs as you would do when swimming freestyle stroke DEMO
  • Mountain climber (MtnC) - From basic pushup position, bring one knee toward your chest and back, alternate legs as rapidly as possible DEMO
  • Burpee (BP) - Begin in squat position, hands on floor in front, kick feet back to pushup position, immediately return your feet to a squat position, leap up as high as possible from squat position DEMO
  • Gator pushup (GtPU) - From a pushup position, walk your left hand out about a foot in front of your right hand and do a pushup. Now walk your right hand out about a foot in front of your left hand, drag your feet forward, and do another. Reverse the move to walk back to the starting position.
  • Pillars (PLR) - Get in a classic push-up position. Instead of placing your hands on the floor, however, rest on your forearms so that your elbows are bent at 90-degree angles. Keeping your head and back straight, hold this position as long as you can.
  • Side Plank (SPlnk) - DEMO
  • Bicycles (Bicy) - Lie on back, hands behind head. Contract abs, bring right elbow to left knee, alternate.
  • Skiers (ski) - Feet together, hop side to side over (imaginary) center dot as fast as possible. DEMO
  • Skater (sk8) - Start on one leg, jump sideways onto the other leg, keeping knees slightly bent, and alternate rapidly. DEMO

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