Friday, June 5, 2009

Back to Basics Ladder

I did this workout last night - it's a simple, back-to-basics ladder-type workout that should make you sweat.

If you're counting, you'll end up doing 110 sumo squats, 110 pushups, 110 burpys and too many mountain climbers to mention!

10 sumo squats
10 pushups
10 burpys
100 mountain climbers

9 sumo squats
9 pushups
9 burpys
100 mountain climbers

8 sumo squats
8 pushups
8 burpys
100 mountain climbers

Repeat 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

THEN... Reverse the ladder - start at 1 and go to 10.

Sumo Squat (SumoSq): Begin with your feet wider than shoulders width apart, toes pointed out and knees over the toes (think of a sumo wrestling stance). Keep your back straight, chest out and abs tight throughout the move. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Focus on sitting down rather than bending your legs to avoid straining the knees. Keep your weight on your heels throughout the exercise while maintaining a straight posture. Push off with your heels at the bottom of your move, squeezing your glutes and inner thighs until you are back in the starting position. Once you have completed the squat, check your alignment and start again.

Burpee (BP) - Begin in squat position, hands on floor in front, kick feet back to pushup position, immediately return your feet to a squat position, leap up as high as possible from squat position DEMO

Mountain climber (MtnC) - From basic pushup position, bring one knee toward your chest and back, alternate legs as rapidly as possible DEMO

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